Saturday, September 2, 2017

On Harvey ... by Maggie

Eronga, Lunes, 28 de Agosto

Hurricane Harvey
oil refineries, chemical plants, pipelines… 
Are we ready? Beautiful ocean are you ready? 
Terrorist attack on fossils
by the power of nature 
to respond – resist – reset
man- made imbalance Hurricane Pachamama, 
are we ready? NO. 

When's day morn 8/30/2017 
Rain off and on 
all night, all morn 
90% chance, all week 
Rain outside
Rain inside - Rain around the planet 
on the monitor and flooding our minds 
drenching any other thoughts.

the never-ending equation... 
Business, as usual? 
Is there such a thing? 
Let it go! 
Recover the CO2 from the air; 
recover the plastic from the ocean; 
recover our connection 
our con-science 
our humility.

And, for the "white" clan,
if you think for one moment 
that the survivors will be the "white thoroughbreds"...think again
You may be the first to go with your “cold, dead fingers” wrapped around the triggers.

Well, it’s twelve noon 
 Kenny has gone to Patzcuaro. 
 Fresh Lemon pie arrives at the door 
 maybe another cup of coffee will rescue me from the rain. 
 I’ll have a Skype chat with Molly, 
 put on the latest playlist from Max 
 and carry on, 
 in the slick of it.

- Maggie D


Kenny and Maggie said...

Thanks, Tara

Meghan said...

Thank you, Mom. Such a perfect distillation of my thoughts and feelings. Hoping we are seeing the "crack in everything" that lets the light in but afraid we have some darkness to manage first.