Saturday, January 6, 2018

Camino Poems (Unedited)

Camino I
I carried too many things.
Like most people, probably.
Baggage no longer needed.
Not needed in the first place.

Simple is a process
Of letting go, unpacking.
One too many screens,
Pieces of clothing to wear,
Weight of what can’t quite be surrendered.

I feel it, finally,
Ounces of extra
The pains – foot cramps, shoulder knots –

Signposts of my own unconscious consumption.

Camino II

Close your eyes.
It may take a few steps,
Or many
To feel the weight of all that you’re carrying.
Keep walking.

You will feel pain where you always do –
That left hip, right knee, small of your back, old should injury,
The bottoms of your feet, certainly, from
Bringing you so far –
This whole life you’ve lived.
All the mountains, the rivers you’ve had to ford.
Keep walking.

Soon enough those pains
Will ease.
A few more steps,
Maybe many.
And then, briefly,
Only for a moment,
You will grow wings.
Keep walking.

You’ll forget your own story
In the rhythm of presence.
Step. Step. Step.

Inhale the forest,
Dew-encrusted moss,
Musky ferns,
Here and there the sharp, fresh, scent of pines.
Songbirds chirping, hidden frogs
Croaking at dawn.

there is magic.

Keep walking.
None of it will last.

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